When it comes to restoring a complete smile, All-on-4 and All-on-8 procedures are two of the most popular options in dentistry. Both methods offer an effective solution for patients who have lost most of their teeth, but it is important to understand the differences to determine which option is right for each individual patient.

Key differences and benefits between All-on-4 and All-on-8

The Allon4 procedure, uses four dental implants to support a fixed prosthesis, which will replace all of the teeth that comprise an arch. This method is less invasive and is therefore recommended as an ideal option for those patients who are looking for a quicker solution and who also have good bone density. With this method, the recovery time is usually shorter, and it becomes an affordable option for many patients.

Compared to the All-on-8, is technique uses eight implants, seeking greater long-term stability. For patients with significant bone loss or those seeking an extremely solid and durable solution, this option is more suitable. May result in additional comfort and greater durability, but it requires a longer and more complex procedure, and its force distribution is superior.

Our patients can benefit from a complete restoration with both methods, and will always achieve impressive results in function and esthetics. However, the selection presents us with different expectations from one patient to another, as this will depend on factors such as the state of their oral health, as well as the bone density of each patient.

The importance of technology in dental implants

For the success of any of these procedures, a key factor is the technology used during the process. In our clinics we use advanced technology in dental implants, supported by 3D images. This allows us to obtain better long-term results and a more accurate placement of implants.

The use of 3D digital imaging ensures that each implant is perfectly placed, and minimizes complications and recovery times. The attention to detail and quality of cosmetic dental treatment services are essential for more successful results.

With this state-of-the-art technology, not only the functionality of the implants is optimized, but also the esthetic appearance is considerably improved, restoring natural smiles to people.

For our patients, their health and confidence are just a step away. At Design Dent, we combine advanced technology, such as our dental implants, with a highly qualified team to provide you with lasting, quality solutions. Don’t wait any longer! Contact our specialists today, we guarantee you a beautiful and natural smile.