Dental Tourism in Costa Rica
Design Dent

Dental Tourism in Costa Rica

Discover a world of unparalleled dental care experiences in the heart of Costa Rica, where lush landscapes meet cutting-edge dental expertise.

Total Visits
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In 2023, health-related travel accounted for an impressive 13.4% of total visits to our country, as reported by the Central Bank of Costa Rica’s Tourism Satellite Account.
Health Tourism

Costa Rica has the Law for the Promotion and Development of Health Tourism

In fact, taking a giant leap forward, Costa Rica has the Law for the Promotion and Development of Health Tourism, establishing the Inter Institutional Commission for Health Tourism Services under the leadership of the Ministry of Health. This is just a gesture that demonstrates the relevance of the medical tourism industry for the country.

Costa Rica is a sought-after destination

According to the renowned Bloomberg platform, Costa Rica is a sought-after destination for a range of services, including top-notch dental treatments, surgeries, preventive medicine, and aesthetic procedures.

Let’s not forget that before the pandemic struck in 2019, medical tourism contributed a staggering $465 million to our country.
That same year, a whopping 42% of medical tourism was specifically for receiving dental treatments.

Costa Rica is truly an attractive destination for those seeking high quality dental care. The wide range of quality dental services, in addition to the natural beauty, transforms Costa Rica into the perfect destination for a dental vacation.

Medical Tourism

Let’s not forget that before the pandemic struck in 2019, medical tourism contributed a staggering $465 million to our country.

Dental Treatments

That same year, a whopping 42% of medical tourism was specifically for receiving dental treatments.

At Design Dent, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of dental tourism

Embark on a journey of wellness and excellence with Design Dent – where your dental health meets paradise! Explore the possibilities to rejuvenate, and experience world-class dental care amid the breathtaking landscapes of Costa Rica.

Health services

What kind of dental health services does Design Dent offer our patients?

We offer services such as full mouth restoration with dental crowns, dental bridges, dental implants, porcelain veneers, dental restorations, teeth whitening, and the best in 3D Imaging, 3D dental scanning and impressions and 3D digital smile design.

Increase your dental value

If you live in the USA, Canada, Bahamas, then Costa Rica is an attractive alternative for easy, convenient travel and to increase your dental value while saving thousands of dollars. All while enjoying the naturally beautiful tourist attractions of our country.

Contact us

If you are thinking about traveling to Costa Rica soon, Contact us for questions or to schedule your appointment today.

    Dental Tourism